This article belongs to H Verify external signature in Tink and is the final part 4.
Lets see how to manage the verification of an external generated (Elliptic curve) signature with a (as well) external generated Public Key. As Tink looks like a „closed shop“ I first analysed the public keyfile in JSON-format. When other programs use an byte-array of the encoded Public Key Tink is using another and more rare format – the „RAW“ or X- and Y-Format. There are only a few articles and stackoverflow-questions that deal with this format.
The second question was: how is the key stored in the value-field (beneath the fact that it is a Base64-coding)? As mentioned before – my solution does not work with Tink-own protobuf-formats but instead uses a hard coded header that differs for the 3 possible Elliptic Curves (P256, P384 and P521).
I know that there is a way to hold the self created Public Key-file completely in memory but I’m opting for „save and reload“ of the keyfile.
The last problem regards to the signature – what is the structure of a Tink signature. After analysing some signatures and the Tink sourcecode I found that the signature is assigned to the Tink Public Key with the „primaryKeyId“, because the KeyId is part of the signature-„value“.
To get the external signature to run with Tink I’m recoding the byte array with a header that names the „creating“ Public Key by the primaryKeyId.
Putting all 3 part-solutions together in one program brings us to the final solution. The program reads the 3 external created datafiles (see H Tink Generate an ECDSA signature), generates 3 new Public Key files, generates a new signature an then verifiese the messages with the Public Key against the signature file.
To work with this solution you need 3 libraries in your classpath (tink, protobuf and JSON), the links to the maven repositories are part of the sourcecode header.
Here is the complete sourcecode:
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package tinkExternalSignatureVerification; /* * Herkunft/Origin: * Programmierer/Programmer: Michael Fehr * Copyright/Copyright: frei verwendbares Programm (Public Domain) * Copyright: This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * Lizenttext/Licence: <> * getestet mit/tested with: Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 191 x64 * getestet mit/tested with: Java Runtime Environment 11.0.1 x64 * Datum/Date ( 18.11.2019 * Funktion: überprüft eine extern erzeugte ecdsa-signatur mittels google tink * Function: verifies an external generated ecdsa-signature with google tink * * Sicherheitshinweis/Security notice * Die Programmroutinen dienen nur der Darstellung und haben keinen Anspruch auf eine korrekte Funktion, * insbesondere mit Blick auf die Sicherheit ! * Prüfen Sie die Sicherheit bevor das Programm in der echten Welt eingesetzt wird. * The program routines just show the function but please be aware of the security part - * check yourself before using in the real world ! * * Das Programm benötigt die nachfolgenden Bibliotheken (siehe Github Archiv): * The programm uses these external libraries (see Github Archive): * jar-Datei/-File: tink-1.2.2.jar * * jar-Datei/-File: protobuf-java-3.10.0.jar * * jar-Datei/-File: json-20190722.jar * * */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class VerifyEcdsaTinkSignature { static String pubKeyString = ""; static String messageString = ""; static String signatureString = ""; public static byte[] xRec = null; // x-value of recoded public key public static byte[] yRec = null; // y-value of recoded public key public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { System.out.println("Verify a Classic ECDSA-signed message in Google Tink"); TinkConfig.register(); String publicKeyJsonFilenameTemplate = "ecdsa_tink_publickey_"; String publicKeyJsonFilename = ""; String filenameTemplate = "ecdsa_classic_data_"; String filename; byte[] message = null; PublicKey pubKey; byte[] pubKeyByte = null; byte[] signatureClassic = null; // the signature from classic ecdsa boolean signatureVerification = false; int[] keylength = new int[] { 256, 384, 521 }; // iterate through keylength for (int myKeylength : keylength) { filename = filenameTemplate + String.valueOf(myKeylength) + ".txt"; publicKeyJsonFilename = publicKeyJsonFilenameTemplate + String.valueOf(myKeylength) + ".txt"; pubKeyString = ""; messageString = ""; signatureString = ""; // load data switch (myKeylength) { case 256: { loadData(filename); break; } case 384: { loadData(filename); break; } case 521: { loadData(filename); break; } default: { System.out.println("Error - signature keylength not supported"); System.exit(0); } } // convert data from base64 to byte[] pubKeyByte = Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubKeyString); message = Base64.getDecoder().decode(messageString); signatureClassic = Base64.getDecoder().decode(signatureString); // rebuild publicKey KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC"); X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKeyByte); pubKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); // get x + y value of public key returnPublicKeyXY(pubKey); // writes to variables xRec and yRec // construct a tink-style public key value for json-file byte[] keyValueClassic = generateKeyValue(myKeylength); String keyValueClassicString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyValueClassic); // saved in value-field // of json-file // save tink public key in json-format, gets the generated primaryKeyId int keyId = SaveJson.writeJson(publicKeyJsonFilename, keyValueClassicString); // construct a tink-style signature byte[] signatureTink = generateSignature(keyId, signatureClassic); // reload the self created public key KeysetHandle keysetHandle = CleartextKeysetHandle .read(JsonKeysetReader.withFile(new File(publicKeyJsonFilename))); // verify signature signatureVerification = verifyMessage(keysetHandle, signatureTink, message); System.out.println("Data loaded from:" + filename + " The message is:" + new String(message, "UTF-8")); System.out.println("The provided signature is correct ?:" + signatureVerification); } } public static void loadData(String filenameLoad) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filenameLoad)); pubKeyString = reader.readLine(); messageString = reader.readLine(); signatureString = reader.readLine(); reader.close(); } public static String printHexBinary(byte[] bytes) { final char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray(); char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2]; for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) { int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF; hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4]; hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F]; } return new String(hexChars); } // source: // /** * Transforms a big integer to its minimal signed form, i.e., no extra zero byte * at the beginning except single one when the highest bit is set. */ private static byte[] toMinimalSignedNumber(byte[] bs) { // Remove zero prefixes. int start = 0; while (start < bs.length && bs[start] == 0) { start++; } if (start == bs.length) { start = bs.length - 1; } int extraZero = 0; // If the 1st bit is not zero, add 1 zero byte. if ((bs[start] & 0x80) == 0x80) { // Add extra zero. extraZero = 1; } byte[] res = new byte[bs.length - start + extraZero]; System.arraycopy(bs, start, res, extraZero, bs.length - start); return res; } public static void returnPublicKeyXY(PublicKey pub) { ECPublicKey key = (ECPublicKey) pub; ECPoint ecp = key.getW(); BigInteger x = ecp.getAffineX(); BigInteger y = ecp.getAffineY(); // convert big integer to byte[] byte[] x_array = x.toByteArray(); if (x_array[0] == 0) { byte[] tmp = new byte[x_array.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(x_array, 1, tmp, 0, tmp.length); x_array = tmp; } byte[] y_array = y.toByteArray(); if (y_array[0] == 0) { byte[] tmp = new byte[y_array.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(y_array, 1, tmp, 0, tmp.length); y_array = tmp; } // some byte[] need an additional x00 in the beginning xRec = toMinimalSignedNumber(x_array); yRec = toMinimalSignedNumber(y_array); } public static byte[] generateKeyValue(int keylength) { // header depends on keylength byte[] header = null; switch (keylength) { case 256: { header = fromHexString("12060803100218021A"); // only for ECDSA_P256 break; } case 384: { header = fromHexString("12060804100318021A"); // only for ECDSA_P384 break; } case 521: { header = fromHexString("12060804100418021A"); // only for ECDSA_P521 break; } } int x_length = xRec.length; int y_length = yRec.length; // build the value-field with public key in x-/y-notation byte[] x_header = new byte[] { (byte) x_length }; byte[] y_preheader = fromHexString("22"); byte[] y_header = new byte[] { (byte) y_length }; // join arrays byte[] kv = new byte[header.length + x_header.length + xRec.length + +y_preheader.length + y_header.length + yRec.length]; System.arraycopy(header, 0, kv, 0, header.length); System.arraycopy(x_header, 0, kv, header.length, x_header.length); System.arraycopy(xRec, 0, kv, (header.length + x_header.length), xRec.length); System.arraycopy(y_preheader, 0, kv, (header.length + x_header.length + xRec.length), y_preheader.length); System.arraycopy(y_header, 0, kv, (header.length + x_header.length + xRec.length + y_preheader.length), y_header.length); System.arraycopy(yRec, 0, kv, (header.length + x_header.length + xRec.length + y_preheader.length + y_header.length), yRec.length); return kv; } // this routine converts a Hex Dump String to a byte array private static byte[] fromHexString(final String encoded) { if ((encoded.length() % 2) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input string must contain an even number of characters"); final byte result[] = new byte[encoded.length() / 2]; final char enc[] = encoded.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < enc.length; i += 2) { StringBuilder curr = new StringBuilder(2); curr.append(enc[i]).append(enc[i + 1]); result[i / 2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(curr.toString(), 16); } return result; } public static byte[] generateSignature(int keyId, byte[] signatureByte) { byte[] header = fromHexString("01"); // convert keyId from int to 4-byte byte[] byte[] keyIdBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(keyId).array(); // build the signature in tink-style with keyId included byte[] si = new byte[header.length + keyIdBytes.length + signatureByte.length]; System.arraycopy(header, 0, si, 0, header.length); System.arraycopy(keyIdBytes, 0, si, header.length, keyIdBytes.length); System.arraycopy(signatureByte, 0, si, (header.length + keyIdBytes.length), signatureByte.length); return si; } public static boolean verifyMessage(KeysetHandle publicKeysetHandle, byte[] signature, byte[] message) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, GeneralSecurityException { Boolean verifiedBool = false; PublicKeyVerify verifier = PublicKeyVerifyFactory.getPrimitive(publicKeysetHandle); try { verifier.verify(signature, message); verifiedBool = true; } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { verifiedBool = false; } return verifiedBool; } } |
The console output is „short and dirty“ but most important: it works:
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Verify a Classic ECDSA-signed message in Google Tink Data loaded from:ecdsa_classic_data_256.txt The message is:This is the message The provided signature is correct ?:true Data loaded from:ecdsa_classic_data_384.txt The message is:This is the message The provided signature is correct ?:true Data loaded from:ecdsa_classic_data_521.txt The message is:This is the message The provided signature is correct ?:true |
All sourcecodes to this solution are available in my Github-Archive with this link: All programs run with Java 8 and Java 11.
The licence (or better unlicence) to my solution is available here: Lizenz-Seite.
Last edit: 18.11.2019